Saturday 2 July 2011

"Can I just have the plate of spinach waiter?"

To maintain a healthy lifestyle or to create that bitchin body you have to get your nutrition nailed and this seems to be the hard part for most people and theres one reason.


Alot of people will disagree with me on this but when the word "diet" comes up when talking about fitness you instantly see peoples arses collapsing.
This is because there is a stigma attached to the word diet and many people think they are going to have to ditch all the good stuff and live off of pureed vegetables and shit tons of chicken.
This may be the case for the person who is looking to be 5% body fat but for the average beach goer this is just not what they signed up for.

I have seen some crazy diets over the years and here are just a few:

- The apple and orange diet - Nothing but apples and oranges? Firstly with the amount of sugars you would be bouncing about like a mental patient on speed, secondly you would be starving and thirdly can you imagine the state of your toilet after that? no thanks.
- Breatharians - Nothing but air. This maybe a good idea to some but im sure a fair few Ethiopian villages would disagree as they are fucking dying!! 15 big breaths and im stuffed. Idiots

I think for most people nutrition is the sticking point when it comes to achieving the goals that they have set and this is purely because it is hard to maintain it. All the fitness magazines will tell you that you need to eat this and take this supplement or you will be a fat fuck no matter how much you exercise. Again this is fine for fitness models but does the average joe have time for this or the money? I think not.

Making sure you eat healthy is the way forward and that doesnt mean starving yourself or staying away from some foods and being ultra strict. It means making sure you are getting good protein sources, good carbs (if your body can handle them), your 5 portions of fruit and veg, good fats and drinking plenty of water. If you decide that at the weekend you are going out and you are going to eat at a restuarant then do it!
Dont be one of the dicks that moans at their partner because "I cant eat that" not only is it a sure fire way to get dumped but it also makes you a prisoner in your own body.

Dont kick the arse out of it and destroy the buffet but a dessert or a plate of pasta will not kill you so stop moaning and just enjoy yourself.

Its a simple equation really
Exercise + healthy eating + having a treat every now and again = happy and not fat.

It is not rocket science but it amazes me how complicated people make it

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