Friday 24 June 2011

Training Methods and other shit excuses

In the many years that I have been exercising I think I have tried every workout programme there is and tried every type of gym and I have found that they all have something in common. They all suck!
I have tried strength training, body part split training, volume training, circuit training. You name it I have tried it and after writing up a big elaborate training programme and swear that this time I have found the programme for me....

..Two weeks later I am bored and want to change it all up again so I scrawl through the internet & fitness manuals to devise this perfect workout and the cycle repeats itself.

By way of magic or a kick to the head I have seen clarity with regards to fitness, training and even diet.

Through out this blog I am not going to tell you what the perfect training programme is or what the perfect exercise is or what the best foods are to eat because to put it simply the answer is not there and I believe that it never was.

I have found through years of experience that I absolutely 100% detest the gym and everything that goes along with it.

Close your eyes and picture the last time you were in the gym, enclosed in a room, sweating and breathing in everyone elses body odour and sneaky flatulence, you are knee deep in your 100th set of squats and there are dudes high fiving each other over at the dumbbell rack, the music is blaring out whatever nonsense the chart is bothering us with and there are the huge guys in the cut off tshirts sniggering at you because you are just simply not lifting a heavy enough weight. Sound good?

Now again close your eyes and picture the last time you went to a local park to do pull ups on the monkey bars, the last time you got on your bike and cycled through the country, the last time you hit the water with your surfboard and enjoyed the waves, the time that you decided to go a run along the beach or in the snow with your dog or that time when you thought it would be a great idea to climb that tree?

Do you remember the feeling of freedom, the feeling that you could not give a flying fuck about how many sets you had left or that you had to beat your friends personal best on the deadlift, the feeling of being outside and knowing that this is exercise but how could it be because I am outside and not talking shit about "feeling the pump"

What I have came to realise over the last few days is that exercise can have a way of taking over your life, you become obsessed with bench pressing more or learning to kick some ones ass in the ring or even to look like some dick from Jersey Shore to impress the ladies.

Now dont get me wrong looking good is a part of what we strive for when we exercise but we have become so obsessed with it that we have forgotten along the way that it is supposed to be fun and there is way more to life than slogging through the new routine that you found in Meat Head Weekly.

Really, what I am trying to say is that there are hundreds of ways to stay fit and looking good and it doesnt involve weight racks, Smith Machines or paying some douche bag personal trainer 40 pounds an hour to put you on a treadmill and tell you that you are now in the fat burning zone.

Maybe lifting weights so heavy that you shit yourself works for you but I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt it aint mine and over the course of this blog I think ill continue trying to find new ways of dodging gym memberships vultures and maybe do other stuff thats fun.